Brayton Purcell, LLP - 222 Rush Landing Road, PO Box 6169, Novato, CA 94945

California Men See Prison for Using Students to Clean Up Asbestos

Asbestos is a highly dangerous substance which has been used in industrial applications for centuries.  Because of its widespread use in millions of buildings in the United States, the ongoing cleanup of asbestos is expected to continue at a slow pace over the course of several decades.  Two California men, who were involved in the cleanup of an asbestos treated building in Atwater, were recently sentenced to prison for their despicable way of going about the process.

Two men in Merced County were recently sentenced to prison, one receiving a 24 month sentence and the other a 27 month sentence, as a result of using high school students to clean up asbestos in a building in Atwater.  The men, who ran a nonprofit organization called Firm Build, were contracted by the Merced County school system to help students receive job training.  But, instead of providing them with a safe and educational job training program, the men used the students for the dangerous work involved with cleaning up asbestos.

They were sentenced under Federal asbestos statutes.

Putting the lives of our young people in danger in this way is despicable, as previously mentioned. But the truth is that thousands of people have unsuspectingly become the victims of asbestos exposure. If you, or someone you know, has developed disease as a result of asbestos exposure, call  Brayton Purcell, LLP, at (800) 598-0314 today for a free consultation regarding getting you the compensation you deserve.

How Asbestos Causes Lung Cancer

By now it is widely known that exposure to asbestos, an naturally occurring product used for its insulating and fire resistance properties, can cause such devastating diseases as lung cancer and mesothelioma. But, what is it about asbestos which is so dangerous to the human body? Why does it cause such debilitating diseases? Let’s take a look at the current science on the subject.

According to the American Cancer Society there are two kinds of asbestos: chrysotile – which is also known as white asbestos and is often used in industrial applications, and amphibole – which is fibrous and composed of needle-like threads. Both of these types of asbestos are known to cause cancer. For years scientists knew that asbestos caused cancer, but were unsure of the exact mechanism which led to this result. But in 2010, researchers at the Hawai’i Cancer Research Center published this paper, which proposed a direct link between asbestos and cancer.

According to the paper, asbestos kills cells when it comes in contact with them, but in the process it causes a condition called “programmed cell necrosis” in which the cells release a chemical which causes inflammation. It is this inflammation which leads to the production and replication of cancerous cells.

Though it may seem like asbestos related disease is a problem of the past, nothing could be farther from the truth. It is estimated that millions of Americans continue to work in buildings which have been treated with products containing the deadly substance. If you, or anyone you know, has suffered from an asbestos related disease – such as malignant lung cancer or mesothelioma – call the attorneys of Brayton Purcell, LLP, at (800) 598-0314 today for a free consultation regarding getting you the compensation you deserve.