Researchers in Spain have identified a specific protein which is only found in those people suffering from mesothelioma who have the shortest survival times. Those with the highest levels of the protein had a median survival of 4.79 months and those with none of the protein 16.3 months. This discovery should help with treatment of those patients who have the protein.
Earlier this year, the FDA granted a fast track approval for the drug Keytruda, medical name pembrolizumab, which is designed to treat skin cancers but it also targets proteins in other type of cancers. Keyturda works in cancer patients to eliminating the protein which stops the body’s immune system from fighting the cancer.
According to the author of the study, Dr. Susana Cedrés, of the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology in Barcelona, Spain this could provide hope for mesothelioma patients in the future.
Most researchers agree that using the body’s own immune system by immunotherapy is where the future of cancer treatment lies as it has far fewer side effects than chemotherapy which can be toxic.
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